Orange Chocolate Mousse Cake Recipe || 7 Best Health Benefits of It

The orange chocolate mousse cake recipe is an easy recipe for a delicious orange cake. The recipe contains two layers: a moist orange cake, orange chocolate mousse, and frosting.

This is an ideal cake for birthdays, celebrations, and other occasions. This recipe is time-consuming, but the result is a dessert worth the effort.

The orange chocolate mousse cake recipe calls for lots of orange juice and fresh orange.

The fresh orange adds a light citrus taste to the cake and an interesting texture. A bonus is that it also provides vitamins and antioxidants to the body.

The recipe is easy and simple to follow.

How to make an Orange chocolate mousse cake recipe?

Preparation Time: 1 hour

Cooking Time: 40 minutes

Serves: 12

Orange Chocolate Mousse Cake Recipe
Orange Chocolate Mousse Cake Recipe

Ingredients for Orange chocolate mousse cake recipe:

For the cake:

  • 3 oranges, sliced and chilled
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 300 g graham cracker sheets, crumbled, plus extra for garnish
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange rind
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter, plus extra for greasing pan and mould

For the Orange Chocolate Mousse:

  • 300 g dark chocolate (at least 85% cocoa)
  • 200 g cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup sugar (approximately)
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice, plus extra for drizzling over the top of the cake (optional)

Optional: white chocolate shavings to garnish (I used lemon and orange)


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and line two 8-inch cake pans.

2. Peel the oranges, then chop them into small pieces and chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to help with juicing and slicing process.

3. Place in a sieve and squeeze out the juice from oranges without adding any pulp or pith (the thin skin of an orange).

4. In a large bowl, mix cream cheese, sugar, and orange juice until smooth

5. Set aside about 1/4 cup of the mixture for the garnish, then pour the rest into a bowl.

6. Place the chocolate in a small bowl and microwave in 30 seconds intervals until melted.

7. Mix the melted chocolate into the orange cream cheese mixture until well combined.

8. Sift flour and baking powder together, then use a knife to ensure no lumps remain.

9. Add the flour mixture to the cream cheese mixture and stir until combined.

10. Stir in cooled orange juice and zest with a spoon.

11. Spoon the batter into prepared cake pans, then top with graham cracker crumbs.

12. Bake for about 20 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes clean. If necessary, cover loosely with foil to prevent over-browning.

13. Remove from the oven and place on wire cooling racks to cool completely.

Chocolate Orange Mousse Cake Recipe

For the frosting:

14. Place both the citrus zest and chocolate in a food processor, pulsing at low speed until combined but still a little chunky (not smooth).

15. Pour in cream and process until thick and creamy.

16. Add sugar as needed for desired thickness (I used about 1/4 cup of sugar)

17. Add cocoa powder and process to combine.

18. Spread over the cooled cake slices, then place in the fridge for a few hours.

Notes: – You can also press graham cracker crumbs into the pans’ sides before filling them with the orange cream cheese mixture, or add crushed graham cracker crumbs onto each slice before you cover it with frosting.

You can add fresh berries (in my case, I used raspberries) on top of the frosting. Kids love this! This is a great recipe for kids. They love it, and it makes a lovely birthday cake!

The orange chocolate mousse cake recipe is easy to follow and quick to make. The orange chocolate mousse isn’t overly sweet, which makes for a tasty dessert, and the cake has a lovely texture and aroma from the orange zest in the mixture.

Nutrition Facts of Orange chocolate mousse cake recipe

Carbohydrates36.0 g
Protein3.2 g
Fat8.3 g
Saturated Fat4.1 g
Fiber0.2 g
Sugar25.4 g
Cholesterol25.6 mg

Best 7 Health Benefits of Orange chocolate mousse cake recipe

1. The orange cake has a good amount of Vitamin C and other nutrients

2. Orange juice is low in calories and fat, making this cake a diet-friendly dessert

3. The oranges used in the recipe are extremely healthy

4. Orange juice is rich in flavonoids to prevent cell damage.

5. The use of orange juice in the cake recipe provides antioxidants to the body

6. This recipe contains antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage and disease.

7. orange juice is a refreshing and cleansing treat, as it is low in calories and vitamins.  It is also a great source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.

Additional notes

The orange chocolate mousse cake recipe makes a great treat for any occasion. I have made this cake twice, which is my new favourite dessert!

I used fresh oranges for this recipe. But if you would like to substitute the fresh oranges for canned, you can use about 3/4 (or more) of a can of orange juice.

I used Callebaut’s recipe, dark chocolate with 85% or more cocoa. You can use any good-quality chocolate for this recipe.

Can I Freeze the Orange chocolate mousse cake recipe?

Yes! The cake should be stored in the fridge or freezer from the day you prepare and cook it. You can also store the frosting in the fridge, but it freezes very well.

If I stick a toothpick into the frosting after it has been placed on the cake, it will come out clean when frozen.


The orange chocolate mousse cake recipe is an easy yet delicious recipe. This cake is an excellent dessert option for those who want to eat a low-calorie yet tasty and healthy dessert.  

I hope you enjoyed this orange chocolate mousse recipe! Have a nice day! You can make this cake as a surprise present for your loved ones! Enjoy!


Hi, I’m Mary, and I’m a cake maker here at the blog. With a passion for all things sweet and a flair for creativity in the kitchen, I spent 5 years perfecting the art of cake making and decorating. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills through countless baking experiments, and I’m excited to share my knowledge and experience with you.
I love trying new recipes, especially when they’re delicious, I love them so much… hope you like them! Thanks for the time!

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